Pillsbury’s 2019 holiday campaign

Art Direction | Campaign Design | Client Presentation | Style Guide | Production


The ask

Create a digital campaign design and produce a large volume of assets for the campaign “A few of the Doughboy’s Favorite Things.” The holiday campaign ran from Thanksgiving to New Years Day. Every day of the campaign the doughboy shared one of his many favorite things about the holiday time of year. 



campaign Design

The typographic logo for this campaign utilized existing Pillsbury brand fonts and with an emphasis on “Favorite Things.” The key elements of this campaign included a blue gradient, the Doughboy and magic swirling graphics. The combination of these assets created a consistent whimsical theme for the entire campaign.



Art Direction

To bring this campaign to life, I organized the shot list and art directed a week long photoshoot at two different studios. I was responsible for finding 12 lifestyle models and selecting appropriate props for the campaign.

Recipe photography: Pheasant & Hare Studios

Lifestyle photography: Dennis Becker Photography

LifestyleLifestyle photography with a 4 year old model to help visualize the scale of the product and bring a human touch to the promotion. In this shot my desire was to highlight that the new brownie products make the perfect easy snack time treat …
ProductCaptured product promotional images with and without packaging included for optimal options to choose from later when pulling images for promotion material.
RecipeDue to Pillsbury’s extensive recipe collection on their website pillsbury.com one of the best ways to promote new products was to create simple recipes that use the product. Created by The Kitchens at General Mills these recipes were a joy to …


Asset Production

Every day from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day had a unique image or graphic associated with the theme of the day. Assets for each Favorite Thing were shared on pillsbury.com, Facebook, Facebook messenger (for those that subscribed), Instagram stories and email. Pinterest posts were made for the recipe-related content. Paid promotions were also run during the campaign to push for subscriptions and site traffic. Our team produced 200+ graphic assets for the holiday campaign.

Designers that assisted with asset production: Patti Korlin-Downs, Karly Anderson, Aleisha Samek and Nick Rodriguez



email Layout

While working within the existing email templates, we found a way to give users a more immersive graphic experience for the holiday campaign emails.

Layout strategy was concepted by myself, Colin Kulow, Audrey Lanners and the team of email experts at Ingredient.



campaign landing page

The campaign landing page layout was created with enhancements to the existing page template, I designed and produced all of the visual graphics for the experience.




This project challenged my time management, organization and art direction skills. It was a whirlwind 3 months leading up to New Year’s Day 2020. I oversaw all photography, designed a complete look for the campaign, created initial designs for all 35 days of graphics and delegated some production to our design team. I presented designs for the campaign to the client and ensured that the promotion was consistent across all platforms.

Created while at McCann Minneapolis. Creative direction by Colin Kulow and Audrey Lanners. Photography art direction by myself, Colin Kulow and Audrey Lanners. Production design assistance by Patti Korlin-Downs, Karly Anderson, Aleisha Samek and Nick Rodriquez. Photography by Pheasant & Hare Photography and Dennis Becker Photography.

Click the links below to see more of my work!


Pillsbury Brownies Campaign Deep Dive


Pillsbury's Slow-Cooker Campaign